Installing SparkFun Apollo3 Boards in Arduino Downloading/Compile Error

Automatic Installation through the Arduino Boards Manager should be back up. Please try using the automatic installation process before going through these steps.
This post is now locked as the issue is resolved. Please refer to other topics for unrelated questions about the Artemis module and development boards.

Hey everyone,

We have a known issue as of 8/2/19 with the Apollo3 Arduino Boards package on Windows 10. Users on Linux and Mac OS X may need to re-install their SparkFun Arduino boards package by opening Preferences in Arduino, removing the SparkFun Arduino boards JSON link, clicking okay, closing Preferences and then go back through the install process outlined in the [Artemis Development with Arduino Tutorial. That should fix the problem for Linux and Mac OS X.

For Windows users, the current fix is a fairly manual process I will outline below. The issue is how Arduino overwrites files/folders during the automatic install resulting in errors similar to this:

or, you may be able to install the Board Definitions but get compile errors similar to this:

exec: "C:\\Users\\your.username\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\SparkFun\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\8-2018-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist

In order to get the boards installed properly and to not throw that compile error, you will need to install/reinstall the Apollo3 Boards package through the Arduino Boards Manager tool and also download the GNU toolchain from ARM. Go to [this page on ARM’s site and navigate to the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 8-2018-q4-major menu and open it. From there, select the Windows ZIP option shown here:

Download and extract that folder. Make sure you remember where you extract it to as we’ll need it later. Next, navigate to the Arduino15\packages\SparkFun\tools\ folder. It should be at a file path similar to this:


Now we need to replace some files. Open the folder named “8-2018-q4-major” and you should three or four see sub-folders similar to this (Note: This screenshot was taken after replacing the incorrect folders. You may not have the “arm-non-eabi” folder here):


These are the folders we need to replace so delete the contents of this folder and then open the unzipped “gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major-win32” folder. Next, either copy/paste or drag the contents of this folder to the “8-2018-q4-major” folder. After that, if you have Arduino open, restart it and try uploading something simple like “Blink”. You should no longer get any compile errors and the built-in LED on your Artemis board should be blinking on and off.

We are going to keep this topic open in case I missed something in this outline or if anyone has questions about this process until a permanent fix for Windows 10 is in place. That should be completed in the next few days. Once the fix is out for Windows 10, we will be locking this topic. Please keep replies to this post limited to this SPECIFIC issue.

If you run into similar issues or other questions about Artemis, please create a new topic.](Downloads | GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Downloads – Arm Developer)](Artemis Development with Arduino - SparkFun Learn)