Installing Microview on Arduino IDE 2.2.1

My (fairly old) 2015 Microview board worked previously and comes up with the program I last installed a few years ago. It connects on a serial line to my M1 Mac using the USB programmer as /dev/cu.usbserial-DA01MA6O Serial Port (USB)

The current Arduino IDE accepts a URL in the board manager option under settings. This should be the Sparkfun github repo at … index.json

But that URL doesn’t list the Microview. I’ve searched the forums and github with no luck. Is there way to add the Microview to the board manager? (The Microview library installs with no problem.)


Does your older board match this? … w-overview

If not, you should still be able to select the whichever AVR chip it has and program it that way

Yes, that model is what I have.

I’d read that tutorial but missed the answer since the Arduino IDE interface is pre-Version 2. Looked out of date.

That tutorial has the answer, but since the tutorial uses an Arduino IDE before Version 2, the interface is quite different.