interfacing LSM9DS1 with Octave software


I am having trouble reading the magnetometer info from my LSm9DS1 board. the LSM9DS1 is connected to an Arduino and seems to be functioning correctly. I can see the values on the Arduino Serial Monitor.

I can also connect the Arduino to Octave. (Octave is an open-source LabView). But I can’t find a library for the LSM9DS1 to add to Octave. Is there a LSM9DS1 library for Octave? If so can you point me to it? and how to add/install it?

I need to access the individual x,y,z values from the magnetometer on the LSM9DS1 board from Octave so I can plot the magnetic values.



Hi @seple,

We use this forum to discuss SparkX products. The IMU Forum is the best place to ask your question:


Best wishes,
