Interfacing the LSM9DS1 IMU with Octave


I am having trouble reading the magnetometer info from my LSM9DS1 board. the LSM9DS1 is connected to an Arduino and seems to be functioning correctly. I can see the values on the Arduino Serial Monitor.

I can also connect the Arduino to Octave. (Octave is an open-source LabView). But I can’t find a library for the LSM9DS1 to add to Octave. Is there a LSM9DS1 library for Octave? If so can you point me to it? and how to add/install it?

I need to access the individual x,y,z values from the magnetometer on the LSM9DS1 board from Octave so I can plot the magnetic values.



Surely Octave has some means of reading anything that comes in via a PC serial port. All you need to do is substitute Octave for the Arduino serial monitor, and interpret the data as desired.

Magnetometers generally don’t work “out of the box” and usually have large offsets that need to be removed, and quite likely, scale factors that need to be adjusted.

Methods of calibrating them are discussed here: … r-arduino/