Internet Button

Hi, I want to make something along the lines of the Amazon Dash. A wifi enabled button I can connect to web services. This is my shopping list so far:

SparkFun ESP8266 Thing

Coin Cell Battery - 24.5mm (PTH LIR2477)

Tactile Button - SMD (12mm)

SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V

I’m wondering if the battery is a good choice. Will it charge when I connect USB to the Thing? Button a good choice? Am I missing something?

The ESP8266 can draw over 200mAh during a transmit. Being a lithium ion battery, it shouldn’t have a problem at 1.25C discharge although I would also recommend the protection circuitry–it doesn’t like like it has any.

Putting the ESP8266 into sleep mode as much as possible would be wise to prolong battery life.