IRC5 to control stepper motor for 3d printing

Hello ,

I was new at this robotic arm world, especially at rapid programing. I want to use the robot to control stepper motor for 3d printing extruder, we had irc 5 controller, with rw 5.x on it, with dsqc652 as the i/o card. we had a concept with the rapid program to send Analog Output (E_Value) Signal and will accept by another controller, maybe Arduino or PLC , but dsqc652 in data sheet didn’t have Analog output, so how I’m supposed to control the stepper without Analog Output, or can i control it with Digital output or need to buy additional hardware? any suggestion how to do it? maybe some rapid example and reference will be grateful. sorry for my newbie question, Thanks

You might want to try posting something like this in a robotic-arm focused forum, as this is fairly specialized info…I know there are some forums out there for modding fanuc arms, maybe try one of those?

You also might get lucky here :slight_smile: