I have a raspberry pi 0W, Quicc pHat, Quicc motor driver, and a delta electronics frameless fan. My project is to connect the fan so it can run but I don’t know how to use what I have or if I need more parts to complete the project. I thought that I could connect the pHat to the raspberry pi then use a Quicc cable to connect the pHat to the motor driver and then connect the fan to the motor driver. I’m not sure which colored wires on the fan connect to the motor driver also (if that’s what I need to do). Can someone please tell me how to hook everything up? I don’t know if this is any use but I also have m/m and f/f jumpers. If I need an Arduino it would also be appreciated to know how I would hook everything up to that.
Without knowing anything about your fan, it’s difficult to say how to connect it. Most fans like this are not reversible and you might have problems with them connected to the Qwiic Motor Driver. (You could even damage the fan)
If the fan works in either direction when you connect the power leads to a power source, it should work like any other motor with the Qwiic Motor Driver but I have not yet seen a fan with 4 leads that worked that way. Chances are pretty good that your fan only works in one direction and needs a PWM signal to operate. If that’s the case, the Qwiic Motor Driver won’t work for it.