Two DC fan get heated with Qwiic Motor Driver


I enclosed a part of a code that run two 5V DC Fans based on temperature reading.

It works fine but I noticed that while the fans are not working (when if (temperature<86)), the fans are getting extremely warm. It does not happen while they are working (if (temperature>86)). The Qwiic Motor Driver is getting power via VIN connectors.

Any ideas why? Do I miss something in the code?

The configuration is:

RedBoard Qwiic

Digital Temperature Sensor - TMP102 (Qwiic)

Qwiic Motor Driver


include <SCMD.h>
#include <SCMD_config.h> 

//Motor driver
SCMD myMotorDriver;  
#define LEFT_MOTOR 0
#define RIGHT_MOTOR 1
void setup()
myMotorDriver.settings.commInterface = I2C_MODE;
  myMotorDriver.settings.I2CAddress = 0x5D;

  //*****initialize the driver get wait for idle*****//
  while ( myMotorDriver.begin() != 0xA9 ) //Wait until a valid ID word is returned
  Serial.println( "ID mismatch, trying again" );
  Serial.println( "ID matches 0xA9" );

  //  Check to make sure the driver is done looking for peripherals before beginning
  Serial.print("Waiting for enumeration...");
  while ( myMotorDriver.ready() == false );

  while ( myMotorDriver.busy() );
void loop()
//Motors activation
  if (temperature>86) {
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( LEFT_MOTOR, 0, 255);  
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( RIGHT_MOTOR, 0, 255);  
  if (temperature<86) {
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( LEFT_MOTOR, 0, 0);  
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( RIGHT_MOTOR, 0, 0);  

After you stop the motors, try disabling them and see if that helps. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the rapid response.

Can you be please more specific which code lines should I add and where?

We can’t help with code, but check the [hookup guide, there’s a command for disabling the motors in there.](Hookup Guide for the Qwiic Motor Driver - SparkFun Learn)

OK. I will try to be more specific.

Is this what you mean?

//Motors activation
  if (temperature>86) {
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( LEFT_MOTOR, 0, 255);  
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( RIGHT_MOTOR, 0, 255);  
  if (temperature<86) {
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( LEFT_MOTOR, 0, 0);  
  myMotorDriver.setDrive( RIGHT_MOTOR, 0, 0);  