I’m going to be submitting my first PCB board in the coming week and was curious if there is a SparkFun DRC file for Eagle. If not, I’d be happy to take a stab at making one.
Not really. We don’t use Eagle here in the office, so I’m not comfortable creating one.
If you’d like to create one, I’d love to have it. I can post it on the PCB page.
is the primary list of DRC rules the one under “PCB Specifications” at the link below?
http://www.sparkfun.com/shop/index.php? … 625&cat=86&[/quote]
could any eagle users comment on whether the default eagle DRC are sufficient for submission to sparkfun?
I’m going to be submitting my first PCB board in the coming week and was curious if there is a SparkFun DRC file for Eagle. If not, I’d be happy to take a stab at making one.
This is what I made for Gold Phoenix PCB’s Eagle DRU file:
\n8 mil rules
layerSetup = (1*16)
mtCopper = 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm 0.035mm
mtIsolate = 1.5mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm 0.15mm 0.2mm
mdWireWire = 8mil
mdWirePad = 8mil
mdWireVia = 8mil
mdPadPad = 8mil
mdPadVia = 8mil
mdViaVia = 8mil
mdSmdPad = 8mil
mdSmdVia = 8mil
mdSmdSmd = 8mil
mdViaViaSameLayer = 8mil
mnLayersViaInSmd = 2
mdCopperDimension = 40mil
mdDrill = 10mil
mdSmdStop = 0mil
msWidth = 10mil
msDrill = 24mil
msMicroVia = 9.99mm
msBlindViaRatio = 0.500000
rvPadTop = 0.250000
rvPadInner = 0.250000
rvPadBottom = 0.250000
rvViaOuter = 0.250000
rvViaInner = 0.250000
rvMicroViaOuter = 0.250000
rvMicroViaInner = 0.250000
rlMinPadTop = 10mil
rlMaxPadTop = 20mil
rlMinPadInner = 10mil
rlMaxPadInner = 20mil
rlMinPadBottom = 10mil
rlMaxPadBottom = 20mil
rlMinViaOuter = 8mil
rlMaxViaOuter = 20mil
rlMinViaInner = 8mil
rlMaxViaInner = 20mil
rlMinMicroViaOuter = 4mil
rlMaxMicroViaOuter = 20mil
rlMinMicroViaInner = 4mil
rlMaxMicroViaInner = 20mil
psTop = -1
psBottom = -1
psFirst = -1
psElongationLong = 100
psElongationOffset = 100
mvStopFrame = 0.100000
mvCreamFrame = 0.000000
mlMinStopFrame = 0mil
mlMaxStopFrame = 20mil
mlMinCreamFrame = 0mil
mlMaxCreamFrame = 0mil
mlViaStopLimit = 0mil
srRoundness = 0.000000
srMinRoundness = 0mil
srMaxRoundness = 0mil
slThermalGap = 0.500000
slMinThermalGap = 20mil
slMaxThermalGap = 100mil
slAnnulusIsolate = 20mil
slThermalIsolate = 10mil
slAnnulusRestring = 0
slThermalRestring = 1
slThermalsForVias = 0
checkGrid = 0
checkAngle = 0
checkFont = 1
checkRestrict = 1
useDiameter = 13
maxErrors = 50
Note the one thing Eagle doesn’t check- and this is a pain- is top silkscreen over the top SMD pads. This totally sucks, if text is printed over the pads you can’t put the device over it. It is repairable by scraping it off, however.
You’ve had a problem with this? I usually just solder straight through the silkscreen. Now if the soldermask is covering a pad, that’s something else.
Also, I’ve noticed gold phoenix will bump silkscreens to avoid vias and some pads. Not sure if they do it on our customer/batch panels, but they do a nice job with the seperate SFE designed PCB orders.