Issue creating the connection between GT-521F32 and a Red Board

Hi guys,

I’m havin trouble with connecting the fingerprint to the redboard and I’m not aware of what I could be doing wrong after doing lots of tests.

I did try the components separately, I did test the board with some LED making them blink with other examples that you have available and it worked like a charm so it only make me think that I’m not doing right the wiring with the fingerprint.

I’m attaching you a picture of the connection I did and if for instance you see what I’m doing wrong or could make me some suggestions to what else try would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Marc,

It looks like everything is connected properly there so I’m not sure what exactly would be the problem here. If you check the bottom of the Fingerprint Scanner, is the green power LED on when you have it powered? If that is on, we can move to the next step which would be to use the [Serial Passthrough sketch to connect to the Fingerprint Scanner’s Demo Software. Try uploading that code to your RedBoard and then, after downloading the demo software from the [Product Page, open the COM port your RedBoard is connected to with the Baud rate set to 9600 and hit “Open”. Finally, click the “Enroll” button and you should see the LED inside the scanner turn on and the software will prompt you to place a finger on it to begin the enrolling process.

If all that works, great! That should get you started using this sensor and you can move on to more complex stuff with it. If you’re still having issues (or if the power LED is not turning on), please explain in as much detail as possible which step you’re stuck on and we can continue troubleshooting.](Fingerprint Scanner - TTL (GT-521F32) - SEN-14518 - SparkFun Electronics)](


Thanks for your reply!! I did not get any email when you replied to me so sorry for not being back in touch with you before :frowning:

So it has been some days since I tested the fingerprint but from the top of my head I could remember that any light were turned on in the fingerprint I’m afraid but I will do a new test today and I be back to you once I got an exact answer.

Thanks again,
