Issue with ADXL377 accelerometer z axis

I would like to begin by saying that I am a beginner when it comes to electronics. The issue I am facing is when I am using an Arduino Pro Mini in conjunction with an ADXL377 accelerometer, SD card reader, and a real time clock, the Z axis of my accelerometer is reading 200g at rest while the other axes read normal values. I used a multimeter and found that there is continuity between the VCC, Z, and A0 pins on the board (the A0 pin is connected with solder to the Z pin on the breakout board). From what I can tell, there is no point where the VCC is wired to the A0 pin. I have tried to clean up the solder but I would rather get a second opinion before I mess up the board even further. Attached are pictures of the top and bottom of the thru hole board where I have soldered/wired all the components together. I have already gone through the troubleshooting videos on Sparkfun’s website and some of the links led me to the multimeter suggestion. I am hoping that y’all can point me in the right direction and hopefully I can salvage this board.

Here is my code if it helps:

#include <SPI.h>

#include <SD.h>

#include <RTClib.h>

RTC_PCF8523 rtc;

File myFile;

const int dataWrite = 5; //Number of readings before the sd card writes to file

//const int delaytime = 5; // Time between readings, counted as milliseconds

float scaledReadings [3][dataWrite]; //Storage for the data collected by the accelerometer

const int button = 3; // pushbutton pin

int buttonState; // for reading the pushbutton state

int state = 0; //For deciding if the system is starting or going into another loop

void setup() {

// Initialize serial communication at 115200 baud


while (!Serial) {

; // wait for serial port to connect.


// Initialized the pushbutton as input

pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);

//initialize Real Time Clock (RTC)

if (! rtc.begin()) {

Serial.println(“Couldn’t find RTC”);




if (! rtc.initialized() || rtc.lostPower()) {

Serial.println(“RTC is NOT initialized, let’s set the time!”);

// When time needs to be set on a new device, or after a power loss, the

// following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled

rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(DATE), F(TIME)));


// see if the card is present

if (!SD.begin(10)) {

Serial.println(“Card init. failed!”);


Serial.println(“Starting data collection.”);


void loop()


buttonState = digitalRead(button);

if(buttonState == 0 && state == 0){

//Create a file name for the data to be stored

char filename[15];

strcpy(filename, “DATA00.CSV”);

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

filename[4] = ‘0’ + i / 10;

filename[5] = ‘0’ + i % 10;

// create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write

if (! SD.exists(filename)) {




myFile =, FILE_WRITE);

if ( ! myFile ) {

Serial.print("Couldnt create ");



//get the last filename

strcpy(filename, “DATA00.CSV”);

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

filename[4] = ‘0’ + i / 10;

filename[5] = ‘0’ + i % 10;

if (!SD.exists(filename)) {

filename[4] = ‘0’ + (i - 1) / 10;

filename[5] = ‘0’ + (i - 1) % 10;




//Initialize SD card and make sure it has opened correctly

Serial.println(“Initializing SD card…”);

if (!SD.begin(10)) {

Serial.println(“initialization failed!”);




myFile =, FILE_WRITE);



if (myFile) {

Serial.println(“Your file has opened, beginning to record data.”);

//Take readings from the accelerometer

if (buttonState == 0) {

do {


buttonState = digitalRead(button);

} while (buttonState == 0);

state = 1;


if (buttonState == 1 && state == 1){


Serial.println(“Data Saved”);

state = 0;



else {

Serial.println(“Waiting for system to be turned on”);



void readWrite() {

for (int b = 0; b < dataWrite; ++b)


int rawX = analogRead(A2);

int rawY = analogRead(A1);

int rawZ = analogRead(A0);

scaledReadings[0] = mapf(rawX, 0, 1023, -200, 200);
scaledReadings[1] = mapf(rawY, 0, 1023, -200, 200);
scaledReadings[2] = mapf(rawZ, 0, 1023, -200, 200);
//For debugging of the sensor readings
Serial.print(scaledReadings[0]); Serial.print(“,”); //x axis reading
Serial.print(scaledReadings[1]); Serial.print(“,”); //y axis reading
Serial.println(scaledReadings[2]); //z axis reading
for (int a = 0; a < dataWrite; a++) {
DateTime now =;
myFile.print(now.hour(), DEC); myFile.print(‘:’);
myFile.print(now.minute(), DEC); myFile.print(‘:’);
myFile.print(now.second(), DEC); myFile.print(“,”); //time in seconds
myFile.print(scaledReadings[0][a]); myFile.print(“,”); //x axis reading
myFile.print(scaledReadings[1][a]); myFile.print(“,”); //y axis reading
myFile.println(scaledReadings[2][a]); //z axis reading
// Same functionality as Arduino’s standard map function, except using floats
float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;