Issues with Wireless Keyboard with RPi Zero W Basic Kits

I’m using the low-cost wireless keyboard with the RPi Zero W Basic kit through the OTG cable. The keyboard is not finding or seeing the dongle connected to the RPi. Keyboard is tested and works on a PC and a Mac just fine. Is there something else that might be wrong? Other ideas for testing this? We are about to use this with a dozen remote students in an after school program. Maybe there’s something I need to do on the OS install first?

Tested the RPi Zero with a standard Logitech Wireless keyboard and it worked fine. So, the OTG cable appears to be okay. Any idea why the Multimetdia Wireless Keyboard (WIG-14271) isn’t working?

Are you plugging in the cable that’s attached to the keyboard to the Pi or are you plugging in the dongle that’s inside the compartment on the back of the keyboard? The cable is just for recharging the battery inside the keyboard, the dongle is what actually provides a data path to your Pi.