It won't blink


i have follow the tutorial from James Lynch using the open source tools for AT91SAM7P64. I have done until the console says ‘flash programming finished’.

Then from the tutorial, james hits the reset button and the leds blink at different rates.

but i hit the reset button and nothing happen.

did somebody knows what going on here?

thank you for your help in advance.



Hi Lawrence.

I have an Olimex AT91SAM7-P64 board and I just tried again the sample project from my tutorial (demo_at91sam7_p64_blink_flash), it compiles, flash programs and starts execution immediately.

There’s an Appendix in the “Using Open Source Tools for AT91SAM7 Cross Development” that describes the differences in the project design for this board. The linker script “demo_at91sam7_p64_blink_flash.cmd” is different since the memory layout and end-of-stack location are different.

I had to add a Radio Shack LED since the Olimex board only has two user-programmable LEDs. The board.h file is different since different ports are used for the LEDs.

Did you try this project on your p64 board?

The TST jumper should be un-installed also.

The project I am referring to can be downloaded from the Atmel web site, it’s in the zip file.

Please make sure that you didn’t use the Atmel AT91SAM7S-EK project, it doesn’t have the right memory layout for the Olimex board,


Jim Lynch

hi jim,

i have try it on the p64 board. i have also taken out the TST jumper today and try to build the project. but it still does not blink.

is there any procedure that i have to do such as powerdown the board, wait for 10s and power up the board again.

i follow the tutorial from the open source tools for AT91SAM7S cross development. since then, i have change the demo_at91sam7_blink_flash.cmd, add an LED and change the Board.h according to the tutorial.

i am using the ARM-USB-OCD. hope that helps

can you also specify under where is the project that i can download from

thank you.



Hi again Lawrence.

There’s a zip file in the “Documents” section of; here is the link: …

The specific project for a p64 board is: demo_at91sam7_p64_blink_flash.


Jim Lynch

P.S. make sure you do a “Clean” followed by a “BUild All”

hi jim,

really appreciate your help.

i got it working now.

thank you.

