Java XBee API

In case anyone is interested, I have been developing a Java API for interacting with XBee radios. So far it can program your XBee, either through API mode or transparent and send and receive packets. It doesn’t yet receive I/O samples from a remote XBee but that is next on my list. The source code may be downloaded at</del> (it is packaged as an Eclipse project). I have been testing it with XBees connected to unchipped Arduinos by way of the Arduino XBee shield.

java has no unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit types?

java has no unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit types?

No, I’m afraid not. If you need unsigned values, you need to use a signed type that can hold the unsigned value (e.g., a short to hold an unsigned byte). Why no unsigned types? Best to ask James Gosling.

I think the general consensus is to use short for 1 byte, int for up to 3 bytes, long for up to 7 bytes etc. Wasteful? maybe but still effective.

FYI, I have moved the Java XBee API to Google Code

Thanks for the update. I’ll have to give the API a whirl sometime.

In case anyone is interested, I have released a new version of my API that supports the XBee ZNet (ZigBee) radios. Aside from the mesh networking, a notable feature of the ZNet radios is Remote AT. With Remote AT you can send most any AT Command to a remote radio (e.g. turn on/off I/O pin, query pin status, configure etc.). This feature is not present in the 802.15.4 XBees.