Hi folks,
I’ve searched quite a bit regarding the error I’m seeing in OpenOCD, when connecting to the Particle Programmer Shield and the Photon. I haven’t been able to get past this for weeks.
Are there any tips or hints on how to troubleshoot this error? Even narrowing it down between firmware build, hardware error, configuration, etc. would help.
I attach an ARM GDB debugger to port 3333 on OpenOCD for remote debugging. In the simplest case, whenever I try to examine memory, I receive a JTAG-DP STICKY ERROR. I can examine registers fine, continue execution, etc.
openocd -f particle-ftdi.cfg -f stm32f2x.cfg -c "gdb_port 3333"
For example, if I issue:
x 0x08068b32
I’ll see the following error on the OpenOCD console.
Error: Failed to read memory at 0x08068b32
And I’ll get back zero’s for memory content in the debugger.
Any idea? Where could I look? I’ve tried different adapter speeds (ex: 500, 1000, 10000).