Jumpers on TMP117

Hi. In my project I’m using Sparkfun TMP117 and heart rate sensor. I will remove jumper for LED. But because I’m new to this space, can I remove jumper from I2C Pull-ups because on same pin is connected heart rate sensor. And temp sensor will be only used for basic reads so can I remove jumper from INT.

You can cut the i2c jumpers as long as you have another i2c device on the same bus that has pull up resistors.

Thank you on answering. So I would use board with sleep mode and should I connect VCC pin from sensors to digital pin and use digitalWrite to power sensors to limit power usage to minimum

You could, but the TMP117 uses so little power that it might not make much of a difference. Low-power shutdown mode only uses 0.25mA.

Damn bro, ok thats great. Thank you my man