Just inclination angle w/r gravity

All I need to measure is inclination angle w/r to gravity. I.e. if the sensor is on a 20 deg ramp, I want to see a readout of “20 deg”. What’s the simplest / easiest sensor that will do this?

Any 3D accelerometer will work. Tutorial: https://wiki.dfrobot.com/How_to_Use_a_T … lt_Sensing

OK, thanks.

I got my hands on one of these dual inclinometers:

[PEWATRON PEI inclinometer

It’s difficult to find more info or a better photo on this one but it has a Molex connector for 7-15 VDC and a DB9 for serial output on the other end of the cable. I just plugged it in here at my desk and get a nice, readable output like pasted below, about 3-4 values/second. I wouldn’t count on finding another one like this but there must be similar sensors elsewhere.

Don’t forget, these are detecting force which is caused by acceleration including but not exclusive to gravity!

X-08.1  Y-08.2
X-08.1  Y-08.3
X-08.1  Y-08.3
X-08.1  Y-08.3
X-08.1  Y-08.3
X-08.1  Y-08.3
X-08.0  Y-08.2
X-06.6  Y-05.6
X-06.9  Y-06.1
X-06.9  Y-06.2
X-07.1  Y-06.2
X-16.2  Y-04.3
X-28.8  Y+00.5
X-31.1  Y+01.0
X-23.2  Y-04.1
X-10.4  Y-13.8
X-04.1  Y-15.5
X+05.2  Y-14.5
X-04.4  Y-08.2
X-05.7  Y-07.8
X-05.8  Y-07.8
X-05.7  Y-07.7
X-05.8  Y-07.7
X-05.7  Y-07.7
X-05.8  Y-07.8
X-05.8  Y-07.7

](Online-Shop Angst+Pfister Sensors and Power - PEI-Z260-AL-232-2-17 120° 2 dual inclin)