Lack of focus = fried mini

So, I executed the classic dumb*** mistake of connecting the power leads backwards on a Pro Mini (RAW and GND). I watched C19 glow orange and then pop, like a festive holiday decoration. Nice, but not worth $20.

So, any guesses on what else was fried? It looks like the regulator (MIC5205) was next in line for destruction. Is there any chance the mayhem stopped there or is the processor likely toast as well? Any sense in trying to repair?

Thanks all.

Welcome to the Royal Order of Blue Smoke.

Got a regulated 5V (or 3.3) source? Gently desolder the regulator. The carnage may have ended there. hook up Vcc and Gnd and hope you are good.

I too have masterfully executed a dumb mistake. Mine was having my arduino uno plugged into my arduino pro mini for transferring sketches and I forgot to disconnect it before plugging in my power supply for the pro mini. Not sure the extent of the damage but my H-bridge absolutely fried…for some reason probably related to this. I have been able to have the arduino pro mini successfully operate with using the 5v and 3.3v output from the uno into the vcc of the pro mini. But when I power the pro mini through the raw pin the board appears to get power but the led pin remains lit and does not run the sketch. so my solution will be to move the 5V input voltage to the vcc pin and bypass the voltage regulator