I require some help, I have successfully used the code for the timer tutorial for the large digit driver and even implemented a keypad function to it, I disable the timer and now can input numbers I enter via a keypad.
the only issue I have is that I wish to clear the LED so a new number can be inputted without the previous numbers, I have tried loops and counters, added digital write and set it to low before the start of a new loop, I have gotten mixed results.
just need someone to point me in the right direction concerning the clearing of the old numbers? I am sure the solution is simple, but can’t get my head around it.
Thank you.
#include <Key.h>
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Controlling large 7-segment displays
By: Nathan Seidle
SparkFun Electronics
Date: February 25th, 2015
License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).
This code demonstrates how to post two numbers to a 2-digit display usings two large digit driver boards.
Here's how to hook up the Arduino pins to the Large Digit Driver IN
Arduino pin 6 -> CLK (Green on the 6-pin cable)
5 -> LAT (Blue)
7 -> SER on the IN side (Yellow)
5V -> 5V (Orange)
Power Arduino with 12V and connect to Vin -> 12V (Red)
GND -> GND (Black)
There are two connectors on the Large Digit Driver. 'IN' is the input side that should be connected to
your microcontroller (the Arduino). 'OUT' is the output side that should be connected to the 'IN' of addtional
Each display will use about 150mA with all segments and decimal point on.
const byte numRows= 4; //number of rows on the keypad
const byte numCols= 3; //number of columns on the keypad
char keymap[numRows][numCols]=
{'1', '2', '3'},
{'4', '5', '6'},
{'7', '8', '9'},
{'*', '0', '#'}
//Code that shows the the keypad connections to the arduino terminals
byte rowPins[numRows] = {7,6,5,4}; //Rows 0 to 3
byte colPins[numCols]= {3,2,9}; //Columns 0 to 3
Keypad myKeypad= Keypad(makeKeymap(keymap), rowPins, colPins, numRows, numCols);
//GPIO declarations
byte statLED = 13; //On board status LED
byte segmentClock = 11;
byte segmentLatch = 10;
byte segmentData = 12;
void setup()
Serial.println("Large Digit Driver Example");
pinMode(segmentClock, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segmentData, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segmentLatch, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW);
digitalWrite(segmentData, LOW);
digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW);
int a = 0;
void loop()
char keypressed = myKeypad.getKey();
a = keypressed;
if (keypressed != NO_KEY )
showPvalue (a);
delay (50);
//Takes a number and displays 2 numbers. Displays absolute value (no negatives)
void showPvalue(float value)
int number = abs(value); //Remove negative signs and any decimals
int b = value - '0' ; //converts ascii to int
//Serial.print("number: ");
// Serial.println(number);
for (byte x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x--)
int remainder = b % 10;
postNumber(remainder, false);
b /= 10;
//Latch the current segment data
digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW);
digitalWrite(segmentLatch, HIGH); //Register moves storage register on the rising edge of RCK
//Given a number, or '-', shifts it out to the display
void postNumber(byte number, boolean decimal)
// - A
// / / F/B
// - G
// / / E/C
// -. D/DP
#define a 1<<0
#define b 1<<6
#define c 1<<5
#define d 1<<4
#define e 1<<3
#define f 1<<1
#define g 1<<2
#define dp 1<<7
byte segments;
switch (number)
case 1: segments = b | c; break;
case 2: segments = a | b | d | e | g; break;
case 3: segments = a | b | c | d | g; break;
case 4: segments = f | g | b | c; break;
case 5: segments = a | f | g | c | d; break;
case 6: segments = a | f | g | e | c | d; break;
case 7: segments = a | b | c; break;
case 8: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f | g; break;
case 9: segments = a | b | c | d | f | g; break;
case 0: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f; break;
case ' ': segments = 0; break;
case 'c': segments = g | e | d; break;
case '-': segments = g; break;
case '*': segments = b | c | e | f | g; break;
if (decimal) segments |= dp;
//Clock these bits out to the drivers
for (byte x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++)
digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW);
digitalWrite(segmentData, segments & 1 << (7 - x));
digitalWrite(segmentClock, HIGH); //Data transfers to the register on the rising edge of SRCK