LCD lpc-e2294


I have LPC-E2294 board with 2X16 LCD.

I downloaded LPC2294 test code for IAR workbench but the LCD dosn’t display anything.

I think the problem in the following code

// LCD pinout
#define   E_high          IO0SET |= 0x20000000
#define   E_low           IO0CLR |= 0x20000000
#define   RS_high         IO0SET |= 0x10000000
#define   RS_low          IO0CLR |= 0x10000000
#define   RW_high         IO0SET |= 0x40000000
#define   RW_low          IO0CLR |= 0x40000000
#define   LIGHT_LCD_ON    IO0SET |= 0x00000400
#define   LIGHT_LCD_OFF   IO0CLR |= 0x00000400
#define   TD2_high        IO0SET |= 0x01000000
#define   TD2_low         IO0CLR |= 0x01000000
#define   TD3_high        IO0SET |= 0x00400000
#define   TD3_low         IO0CLR |= 0x00400000
#define   TD4_high        IO0SET |= 0x00002000
#define   TD4_low         IO0CLR |= 0x00002000

#define   B1              IO0PIN & 0x00008000
#define   B2              IO0PIN & 0x00010000
#define   RD1             IO0PIN & 0x02000000
#define   RD2             IO0PIN & 0x00800000
#define   RD3             IO0PIN & 0x00200000
#define   RD4             IO0PIN & 0x00001000
#define   AIN0            IO0PIN & 0x08000000
#define   DLS             IO0PIN & 0x00000800

#define		DISP_ON		0x0000000C	//LCD control constants
#define		DISP_OFF	0x00000008	//
#define		CLR_DISP	0x00000001	//
#define		CUR_HOME	0x00000002	//
#define		ENTRY_INC	0x00000006	//
#define		DD_RAM_ADDR	0x00000080	//
#define		DD_RAM_ADDR2	0x000000C0	//  
#define		DD_RAM_ADDR3	0x00000028	//      
#define		CG_RAM_ADDR	0x00000040	// 

//--------Send char to LCD-----------------------------
void SEND_CHAR (unsigned long c)
	Delay_us(LCD_CHAR_SPEED);              	    //Delay for LCD char
	data = 0xffffff0f | c;			    //get upper nibble
        IO0CLR |= 0x000000f0;                        //clear d4-d7        
	IO0SET = (IO0SET | 0x000000f0) & data;        //set D4-D7
	RS_high;	  			    //set LCD to data mode
	data = (c << 4) & 0x000000f0;   	    //get down nibble
        IO0CLR |= 0x000000f0;                        //clear D4-D7
	IO0SET = (IO0SET & 0xffffff0f) | data;	    //set D4-D7 (only PORTC4-PORTC7)
	RS_high;        			    //set LCD to data mode

Thanks in advance