Lidar V3HP with Raspberry pi 3B+

I am trying to connect lidar v3hp with raspberry pi in i2c configuration. I found one code online but it is not working properly and giving random distance values.

Is there any python code available to measure distance in cm? I am not a coding expert. Please help. Thanks.

Hi latpate.aniket92,

Garmin has a basic Raspberry Pi Library for the LIDAR-Lite available [here. We do not have any Python examples available but a quick search for “Lidar Lite Raspberry Pi” should turn up some options for you to test. Also, make sure you have a capacitor between Vcc and Ground in your LIDAR Circuit like that library mentions and we demonstrate [here.](LIDAR-Lite v3 Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](GitHub - garmin/LIDARLite_RaspberryPi_Library)

Yes. Thank you it is working out perfectly.