Lightweight power solution for goggles


I have made a pair of goggles with two NeoPixel rings (16 pixels each), controlled by an Arduino ProMini (5v). Before, I used a battery pack with 4 x AA’s to power it, but it was not very handy and ended up breaking the connectors I had made.

So I was hoping someone here could help me find a better battery solution. The NeoPixels are rated 5v (However I’ve had them running on 6v for a long time without problems) and the arduino are rated 5 - 12v. Each NeoPixel draws 60mA (So I’ve read at least), which I calculate to be a power draw of 1.92 A plus whatever the arduino is drawing.

I was thinking two LiPo batteries in parallel, but their combined voltage output (of 7.4v) would be too high. I could probably voltage divide it down, but I haven’t done that before so I am a bit uncomfortable doing it. Also I seem to remember something about LiPo batteries exploding, but don’t know if it is true. In any case, I would appreciate they did not.

As said; I’d be pleased if someone could give me a better idea for a solution, or some easier way of fixing the too high voltage of my own idea.

Thank you.

Also; that ‘batteries exploding’ thing? Well, it is going to be strapped around my head, so… yeah…

tl;dr Need lightweight 5 - 6v, 1.9 Amp, power solution, that won’t explode.

NeoPixels will happily run from a single LiPo cell. They have constant current drivers built in, so they are tolerant of the lower voltage.

There are a lot of tutorials at Adafruit for projects like this

So, I had a single 3.7v LiPo lying around and… it works…

I don’t know why, but it works…

Do you know why? I mean, I thought if the Arduino didn’t get the 5v it needed i just wouldn’t start?

Well, in any case thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

The Arduino is also capable of running at lower voltages. It’s not recommended to run at 16MHz with lower voltages (which is why most of the 3.3V versions run at 8MHz), but you can usually get away with it.