I have made a pair of goggles with two NeoPixel rings (16 pixels each), controlled by an Arduino ProMini (5v). Before, I used a battery pack with 4 x AA’s to power it, but it was not very handy and ended up breaking the connectors I had made.
So I was hoping someone here could help me find a better battery solution. The NeoPixels are rated 5v (However I’ve had them running on 6v for a long time without problems) and the arduino are rated 5 - 12v. Each NeoPixel draws 60mA (So I’ve read at least), which I calculate to be a power draw of 1.92 A plus whatever the arduino is drawing.
I was thinking two LiPo batteries in parallel, but their combined voltage output (of 7.4v) would be too high. I could probably voltage divide it down, but I haven’t done that before so I am a bit uncomfortable doing it. Also I seem to remember something about LiPo batteries exploding, but don’t know if it is true. In any case, I would appreciate they did not.
As said; I’d be pleased if someone could give me a better idea for a solution, or some easier way of fixing the too high voltage of my own idea.
Thank you.
Also; that ‘batteries exploding’ thing? Well, it is going to be strapped around my head, so… yeah…
tl;dr Need lightweight 5 - 6v, 1.9 Amp, power solution, that won’t explode.