Using a Lilymini in a wearable tech project with students. Sewtab 1 is not writing to the LED. It was working fine as a digital read when the Lilymini was on the protosnap. On two different boards now it has not worked. I have checked that it is not a short and have also tried with alligator clips. It just won’t light. If I use alligator clips and go to pin 2 it is fine and lights normally. This has happened on two lilymini boards so far. Am I missing something? I am using the standard Blink example code with the pin changed to 1 as they setup their projects to make sure their sewing is ok. Sparkfun support suggested using A0 as the output but that has not worked either. Hoping someone here has another idea.
Hello margenaumaker.
pin 1 on the LilyMini is setup as an analog input by the included firmware and isn’t able to drive an LED. If you’re writing your own firmware, the core for the LilyMini is still in beta and digital write may not yet be implemented for that pin.
We currently only support the default firmware on the board and while we have guides for programming the LilyMini in Arduino, those guides are still experimental and not officially supported. If I’m able to dig up more information in this, I’ll update you though.
Ugh! The documentation for this really needs to be updated online. That is strange though. I feel fairly certain that when I used the lilymini about a year ago we didn’t run into issues like this. Is there someone I could write to who would be able to get me a firmware version that would allow digitalwrite or even analogwrite? I have a dozen kids who are working on this project and it is going to present some challenges.
Kyle, are you sure you were using a LilyMini and not the [LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus?
The LilyMini isn’t programmable in the IDE and there was a guide in beta some time ago for programming, it wasn’t ever completed and the guide wasn’t ever officially released.
The official guide for the LilyMini can be found [here but that only covers the board with the firmware that was on it when it shipped and doesn’t include any support for programming.](LilyMini ProtoSnap Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus - DEV-14346 - SparkFun Electronics)
Yes. We use the Lilymini rather than the lilypad for cost reasons and also because it is a middle school course and most of the kids have never programmed before. They don’t need the full set of options that go along with the Lilypad. Maybe I am misunderstanding, but the lilymini is only programmable in the IDE and not through the arduino web editor. I am basing what I do off of the programming guide that says “All external sewtabs will work for digital in, digital out, analog in, and analog out*.” … lymini/all
Is there any intention to finish work on the Lilymini or is it a dead trial? I am going to be pretty bummed if it is a dead duck because I bought 70 of them this year to last through two years of my class.
The LilyMini isn’t programmable in the IDE and there was a guide in beta some time ago for programming, it wasn’t ever completed and the guide wasn’t ever officially released.
What do you mean it wasn’t ever officially released? It’s [right here.](Programming the LilyMini - SparkFun Learn)
And [the main LilyMini page also says: “but you can also write your own programs using the popular (and free!) Arduino system.”](
Hi Chris.
I’m sorry for the confusion on this. The actual programming guide was hidden and was only intended to be accessed by the folks that were beta testing Arduino programmability on the LilyMini and had a direct link to the guide. That’s why the programming guide doesn’t show up anywhere on the product page.
The tech support department was not aware of the LilyPad LilyMini page on our website until today and we have contacted the department that wrote that page to update it’s contents so that programmability isn’t listed there anymore. If you have any further questions or concerns about the LilyPad LilyMini, please feel free to private message me here on the forums and I’d be happy to look into those for you.
As far as programming goes, yes it’s possible with the right setup, but it’s not officially supported and not something we can assist with on the forums at this time.