I followed these instructions to reprogram the Lily tiny:
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/re … winkle/all
The test function worked great but I tried to upload new code to slightly modify the blink on/off function on the lily tiny and it failed to upload. Now I cannot load any code onto the AVR+Lily tiny. The light on Pin 0 on the AVR works and the lily tiny still works on it’s own so this tells me the individual pieces are still functional. What other tests can I run to determine what the problem is?
Code with modifications that I tried to upload:
LilyTiny (ATtiny85, internal 8 MHz clock)
Emily Lovell
Controls the behavior of up to four LEDs, depending on pin:
Pin 0: fades in and out
Pin 1: heartbeat
Pin 2: blinks on and off
Pin 3: twinkles randomly
// Constant definitions
#define maxBrightness 255.0
#define maxTimeOn 9999
#define blinkTime 2000
// Variables and constants for fading pin. Needs to be a pin with PWM hardware
// available; on the Tiny85 that's pin 0 and pin 1 only.
#define fadePin 0 // Redefine the pin name to something
// application specific.
int fadeDirection = 1; // 1 is brighter, -1 is dimmer
int fadeStep = 1;
int fadeBrightness = 1;
// Variables and constants for fading pin. Needs to be a hardware PWM pin; on
// Tiny85 that's pin 0 and pin 1 only.
#define HEARTPIN 1 // Redefine the pin name to something
// application specific.
int heartStage = 0;
float heartBrightness = 0;
float heartCounter = 0;
// variables for blink pin (pin 2)
int blinkPin = 2;
int blinkDelay = blinkTime;
int blinkState = false;
// variables for twinkle pin (pin 3)
int twinklePin = 3;
int timeOn = 0;
float currentBrightness = 0;
int targetBrightness = 0;
float timeToBright = 0;
float stepToBright = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(twinklePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blinkPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// calculate brightness for twinkle pin (determined
// by how much time the LED is on vs. off)
timeOn = calcTimeOn(currentBrightness);
digitalWrite(twinklePin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(timeOn + 1);
digitalWrite(twinklePin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(maxTimeOn - timeOn);
// recalculate brightness for twinkle pin
currentBrightness += stepToBright;
if(timeToBright == 0)
// calculate brightness for heartbeat pin (by cycling
// through phases of pulse pattern)
if (heartCounter > 144) {
heartStage = (heartStage + 1) % 4;
heartCounter = 0;
else {
switch(heartStage) {
case 0:
analogWrite(HEARTPIN, heartBrightness);
heartCounter += 144/12.0;
heartBrightness += 255/12.0;
if (heartBrightness > 255)
heartBrightness = 255;
case 1:
analogWrite(HEARTPIN, heartBrightness);
heartCounter += 144/24.0;
heartBrightness -= 255/24.0;
if (heartBrightness < 0)
heartBrightness = 0;
case 2:
analogWrite(HEARTPIN, heartBrightness);
heartCounter += 144/12.0;
heartBrightness += 255/12.0;
if (heartBrightness > 255)
heartBrightness = 255;
case 3:
analogWrite(HEARTPIN, heartBrightness);
heartCounter += 144/72.0;
heartBrightness -= 255/72.0;
if (heartBrightness < 0)
heartBrightness = 0;
// drive blink pin high or low, depending on how much time has passed
if (blinkDelay == 0) {
blinkDelay = blinkTime;
blinkState = !blinkState;
digitalWrite(blinkPin, blinkState);
// increase/decrease brightness of fade pin in steady incremental steps
analogWrite(fadePin, fadeBrightness);
fadeBrightness += fadeStep * fadeDirection;
if (fadeBrightness >= 255) {
fadeBrightness = 255;
fadeDirection = -1;
if (fadeBrightness <= 0) {
fadeBrightness = 0;
fadeDirection = 1;
// calculate ratio of time LED is on/off to acheive particular brightness
int calcTimeOn(int desiredBrightness) {
return desiredBrightness / maxBrightness * maxTimeOn;
// restart a new twinkle
void startOver(){
if (random(0, 1) == 1)
targetBrightness = currentBrightness + random(100, 200);
targetBrightness = currentBrightness - random(100, 200);
if (targetBrightness < 0)
targetBrightness = maxBrightness + targetBrightness;
targetBrightness %= (int)maxBrightness;
timeToBright = random(10, 30);
stepToBright = (targetBrightness - currentBrightness) / timeToBright;