Hook up everything according to the pictures above, for exact pin to pin use the info/diagrams below.
The holes on the back of the LilyT* are too small for the jumper wires, had to find some thin wire. Used some five strand copper wire, bent it apart, and then took… A long time getting them to stay connected. There’s no room because the Attiny85 sits almost flush against the board.
1. Remove the 10uF capacitor, we need to upload Files->Examples->ArduinoISP to the Arduino first.
Select Tools->Board->Attiny85 (internal xMHz clock), where x is whatever you want (I believe it is defaulted to “1”, and in order to use higher you have to Burn Bootloader, more info in the sources below)
Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP
Upload your sketch like you normally would.
I got this error: “avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny85”
Yesterday I received my lilitiny, and noticed how small that holes are. How did you manage the hold the copper wire in place? Just bending it? Or used any aditional “tool”?
@Sparkfun: What a bout that official guide to reprogramming Tiny/Twinkle? There are messages in the product page but no news since then. That holes are really small, so what was the intended tool to connect there?