I’ve got a Lilytwinkle that I would like to reprogram. To assist with this, I have an Arduino Uno (clone) and a Lilypad FTDI Basic (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10275)
This post was a good source of information
https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.ph … le#p151139
and this one seems to have everything I need:
http://www.freetronics.com.au/pages/usi … XlkjkbQjKs
The thing I can’t find is any detail on what the 6 tiny holes on the underside of the are. I understand that they’re ICSP but I can’t tell which pin is which. I’ve followed the instructions on the freetronics site (above) with the six pins in two orientations but I keep getting the same error:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt x of 10: not in sync: resp=0x03
I’m on the verge of thinking that my Lilytwinkle is a dud, but I’m hoping this community can offer some tips in the meantime…
On the Lilitwinkle product page, go to the 3D view. You will see on the underside there is a line over one of the small vias, that’s pin 1 for ICSP.
Regarding the error, those don’t really mean much as the issue causing the error is broad. Some helpful tips:
Make sure you have the correct COM port
Correct board selected
Correct baud rate selected
Also, since you have an UNO, you don’t need the FTDI basic to program the Twinkle. Just use the UNO.
Regarding tip #2, since the Twinkle has an ATtiny85, you need to modify the IDE to program it. You can use Google to find these instructions.
codlink, you are a champion! For the benefit of others reading this post, here’s some other things I learned this evening:
The baud rate is changed in the serial monitor. I knew this was here, but I thought it was only used for receiving data from the Arduino when debugging. Dropping the value to 1200 baud seemed to help.
I’d been hitting the green ‘upload’ arrow in the toolbar. Turns out that I needed to go to file > upload using programmer to make it work.