lilypad protosnap not working: avrdude: stk500_recv(): progr


I just bought a lilypad Protosnap like this, and when I plug in my lipoBattery eveything works. (lights, buzzer, button)

now I am trying to follow the Quickstart here: … 6-05-M.jpg

My FTDI driver is like this, and I download the FTDI driver here: (version 2.4.2) … 731589.jpg

Board: lilypad arduino, Processor: ATmega328, Porter: /dev/cu.usbserial-A9AXPZJY (that’s the only porter available and another one is Bluetooth)

I tried the basic blink code from example while all the lights are just blinking and the buzzer is beeping just like before. and the there is avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not respond. I dont know what’s the problem here? :frowning:

I READY FIXED THIS PROBLEM. it turns out that I need a new FDTI which is produced for lilypad specifically. not all the ftdi converter are the same. works Everything works now!!