Lilypad Protosnap Plus Problems uploading to arduino

Working in the classroom with the Lilypad Protosnap, a few students suddenly were no longer able to upload arduino sketches…

We troubleshooted the version of arduino, we reset the lilypad, we reinstalled arduino - but on some students Macbooks, they just could not longer upload code.

When they sent me the code, I was able to upload the code from my computer onto their lilypad.

This is something that happened too often, and our tech department asked us to find a different microcontroller to use that will be more reliable.

Is anyone else experiencing problems like this.

I would love to hear back from Sparkfun tech support. It’s very frustrating that we can no longer place a CALL to their customer service department.

It sounds like their may have been a Mac update that is giving a driver error - perhaps try re-installing the usb drivers for the Macs?

As for a different microcontroller - what types of projects are you currently using the lilypads to complete?

While calls can feel nice they actually don’t lend themselves to being a terrific forum for technical troubleshooting - it’s a lot easier to communicate germane info being able to add links, photos, videos, etc. Calls also disappear once they are over, never to be searchable/found by perhaps some would-be caller in the future. Change isn’t always welcome, but generally serves a purpose.