Line Follower Array I2C address question

I understand in concept how we can set the I2C address of a Line Follower Array board using the A0 and A1 solder pads…I’m just having a problem actually doing this. Should I be able to use solder suck to get up the existing solder and then change the bit value? Any hints how to do this? If want to change from value 0 to value 1, is it by chance OK to fill both the 0 and 1 pads?

Any hints/help very appreciated!


Hi John,

If you have not worked with solder jumpers before, I would recommend reading through [this tutorial that covers working with PCB Traces and Jumper Pads. To remove the solder jumper, I usually use either some [solder wick or just some flux with a clean iron to pull the excess solder off. Solder wick is my preferred option. It makes removing excess solder very simple and reduces the risk of pulling a pad (assuming you don’t get the wick stuck to the pad and try prying it off without re-heating). A solder vacuum could also work but since it’s a surface-mount pad and not through-hole, heating the pad and sucking out the solder is going to be tricky.

Filling both the “0” and “1” pads will not work as that will create some logic problems for the I2C bus. “0” is tied to ground and “1” is pulled to I2C Vcc so if you connect both, it will not know which position it is in. The simplest option would be to adjust one or the other address jumper and keep either A1 or A0 set to “0”.](](How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces - SparkFun Learn)

Thank you very much for the help!
