Need help on understanding cutting and soldering address pads

I am just starting working with multiple sensors for my Thing Plus. As an example the Quiic accellerometer sensor installation instructions say to cut the solder connection between the address pads. So, in this case with two addresses , do I cut both joints between the three pads?

On my TMP102 sensor there are four addresses. I am assuming in this case, I cut the one solder joint and solder from from of the other three pads to the center pad labeled address. There are other instructions for using jumper wires to things like 3.3V. Do I need to know what hole near the address pads to use to jump to 3.3V?

Sorry to bring such a simple question to you for help.

Which SparkFun part numbers are you using for your Thing Plus and accelerometer?

(We have multiple different versions of each)

We have a tutorial [here that might help with how traces and jumpers work. In the case of the TMP102, you would cut the trace between the center pad and the pad marked 0x48 and then would solder the center pad and whatever pad is beside the address you’re wanting to select.

Make sure you only select a single address for each sensor and that they are all different, otherwise things won’t work correctly.](How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces - SparkFun Learn)

For cutting traces, this guide should be very helpful: … pcb-traces

Thank you Chris and Brandon. Your words pretty much confirmed what I thought about the TMP102 and the tutorial explained why there was talk about finding the source hole and a jumper wire.

That leaves the question of what to do about the address pads for my Adafruit Adalogger-Feather. I has three pads for two addresses but all three pads have jumper solder joints. Do I cut one, the other or both traces?

I’m afraid I don’t have any information on the Adalogger-Feather, you’d need to contact [Adafruit for help on that one.](