I’m using this charger (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10217) along with this battery (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13851) currently in a device I’m developing. The device has a normal idling power draw of between 5-10mA based on what is running in the background, giving this about a 12-24 hr lifespan in idle mode (empirical data). My problem is that when I hook up this charger to the device overnight, once the battery reaches full charge the charger stops charging, but then never turns back on while it’s still attached. I have to physically unplug and replug the power supply into the charger board to get the board to start charging again. This means that when I charge overnight, I wake up and the battery is at <50% or even dead already because the device reached full charge overnight and then drained again.
Is there a board I can change to that will check periodically and begin charging again without me needed to unplug and replug the device? I can’t get this board to work that way.