LoRa Gateway - 1-Channel (ESP32) Antenna connector

From the hookup guide for the LoRa Gateway - 1-Channel (ESP32):

"Antenna Connections

The LoRa Gateway 1-Channel sports both a through-hole antenna connection with strain relief as well as a U.FL connection for higher performance antennas."

I would like to add a SMA type connector to this module and there appears to be a through hole for this purpose but i can’t find any detail for the correct connector I should use in this hole. What was the intention for this antenna?


You would want to use an adapter cable for the u.Fl for an SMA antenna. Something like this [SMA to u.Fl Interface Cable would work. Just pay attention to the type of SMA connector on the antenna you want to use as a common mistake with these types of adapters is trying to use an SMA connector with an antenna with an RP-SMA connector.

If you have never worked with a u.Fl connector before, check out this [quick tutorial for some tips using a u.Fl connector.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/three-quick-tips-about-using-ufl)](Interface Cable SMA to U.FL - 100mm - WRL-09145 - SparkFun Electronics)

Thank you for your response. I am familiar with the connection type you suggest and also with their limitations.

However we digress from what the question was really about. The question deals with this part of the hookup guide, “a through-hole antenna connection with strain relief…”. What did Sparkfun have in mind for this connection? What was the intent for a through-hole connection? Maybe soldering a simple cut length of wire??? Just would like to know what the board design engineer was thinking of when laying out the board.

Ah, thanks for clarifying. That ANT pin is intended to be used with a wire antenna and the hole next to it is to be used as a strain relief for the wire antenna just like [this section of our Hookup Guide for the SAMD21 Pro RF LoRa demonstrates.](SparkFun SAMD21 Pro RF Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)
