Lora Gatway 1 Board with OpenLog with Headers

Hi, I need to add some additional storage to my Lora Gateway 1 board via an SD card and was wondering if anyone knows if its possibel to use the OpenLog with headers board to acheive this.

If so i presume i need some kind of code within my sketch to enabel the SD card for storage?

If not any ideas what add on board i do need.


You have a few options; OpenLog is a good one, and also this https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … 1622745974 , depending on which protocol you’d like to use

To enable writing you’d simply include the standard SD library for whichever language being used arduino, python, etc) and invoke an SD.write command from whichever pins you’d like to use from the Gateway :smiley:

Best of luck! Be sure to go through the hookup guides, they’ll save a lot of headaches

Awesome, thank you for the reply. Much appreciated. I’ll get one ordered and see how i get on.