LoRaSerial Configuration Question

Does anyone know how to setup the LoRaSerial radios so they don’t drop messages?

Mine are both set to the factory defaults: 57600 baud, etc. The radios are three feet apart. I’m sending 300 bytes upstream and 80 bytes downstream to the radio link at a 1 Hz rate. That should come out to about 10% channel utilization. Roughly half the messages are getting lost in the Ether. I’ve got both ends of the link hooked up to a protocol analyzer. There’s no question it’s dropping packets somewhere between the radios.

Curiously, the loss is pretty random. Sometimes the receiver kicks out 5 or 10 packets in a row, then it will just stop for 15 or 20 s. The longest gap I’ve seen was about 40 s. Sometimes it’s every other packet, sometimes every third. It’s unpredictable.

That strikes me as pretty poor performance. I imagine these radios can do much better, and I have a hunch it’s a problem with the radio configuration.

Any chance somebody who understands the radios can give me a hint?

Thanks for your attention. You all have yourself a wonderful day.



Maybe try moving them farther apart? I’ve seen other radios that are too close overload the front end of the receiver making it not be able to “hear” the transmitter clearly.

Other thing it could be is another 900MHz transmitter nearby interfering.