I recently purchased one of your LoRaSerial Kit with the purpose of connecting two Modbus RTU (client and server) wirelessly. I checked your specs sheets, and seems like the radios come pre-programmed by default with a baud rate of 57600 and unit ID 192 (Modbus ID). I configured my Modbus server to match the following configuration:
• 57600 baud rate,
• 8N1 (Data bit: 8 , parity: None, stop Bit:1)
• Unit ID: 192
If I connect the Modbus client and the server directly with a RS485 cable I can get data, but as soon as I switch to using your radios, I can’t get any data.
I programmed your radios following the instructions on the website by holding the train button for 3 seconds on one (client mode) and 6 seconds on the other one (server mode).
This is how I wired the devices:
• The radio on client mode has a 5V power supply connected. The Rx terminal is connected to the Tx terminal on my Modbus client, the Tx terminal on the radio is connected to the Rx terminal on my Modbus client
• The radio on server mode has a 5V power supply connected. The Rx terminal is connected to the Tx terminal on my Modbus server, the Tx terminal on the radio is connected to the Rx terminal on my Modbus server
Am I missing something here or is there something wrong with the way I connected the devices?
Thank you in advance!