I have the LoraSerial Kit WRL-20029 and so far I have successfully communicated point to point via USB but as soon as I try to use the serial connection it only shows gibberish as if the baud rate is wrong. However, I have set the baud rate with the AT command…I also tried different baud rates just in case. Here is the summary of what’s going on:
Remote device is a sensor with a serial connection at 19200bps. The plan is to send the sensor data over lora using the kit.
I know the sensor is working since I can use an adapter to read it from my computer just fine
I know the Lora connection is good because I turned on echo and I see the text transmitted
I set the AT-SerialSpeed=19200, saved, and restarted.
The data received is gibberish that resembles a baud rate error, but I am 100% positive 19200 is the correct rate
The sensor and the lora device share the same ground.
Flow control is off and not supported by the sensor anyway
Any ideas? Is it possible that the AT-SerialSpeed command isn’t working as intended?