LoRaSerial Transfers Garbage data at Start


I have been using the LoRaSerial kit for a while and have had some trouble with the device receiving garbage data for a good minute or two, and then suddenly receiving a stable message flow of data. I have also been experiencing some disconnects (periods where data can be sent but not received) that lasts between 15-30 seconds.

I have a lot more information in this GitHub issue but haven’t received a response yet: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Lo … issues/605

Is LoRa maybe not the best for real-time communication?

Thanks in advance.

LoRa operates in the unlicensed ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) bands, which can be prone to interference from other devices operating in the same frequency range. This interference can cause packet loss or corruption, leading to the garbage data you’re seeing.

Would this also cause disconnects as well? I noticed that it takes either 15 seconds to 30 seconds to reconnect (exactly either of those two delays). Is there a setting that I can use to decrease the re-pairing time?