Low-cost Wi-Fi options?

I have been working on a design for an internet-of-things type device: it doesn’t do very much, but it needs Wi-Fi.

Right now I’m prototyping with Microchip parts (PIC32 MCU, Wi-Fi transceiver), and while it’s a great combination, the cost is pretty high-- about $6.50 for the MCU and $12.50 for the Wi-Fi module (5000 unit volume).

I’m wondering if this is about as low as I’ll realistically get at these volumes, or if I could do better if I went with a different processor/Wi-Fi module combo, and if so, which one? I have had several Chinese vendors offer Wi-Fi chips with Broadcom or Marvell Wi-Fi parts for about $3, but they offer no meaningful documentation. Neither does Marvell or Broadcom, for that matter, since they don’t consider me a customer, and won’t let me sign a NDA unless I am one.

Also, I’m not wild about sourcing parts from random Shenzhen vendors since I have no way of knowing if the parts they get are genuine or not.

Advice please?

MCU could be cheaper. PIC32 is, IMO, quite inferior to the ARM Cortex chips that are plentiful from many competing suppliers.

WiFi module… that’s pretty low.

If your device “it doesn’t do very much” you may be able to use a PIC16 processor, which is much cheaper than the PIC32. I don’t think you are going to get a fully funcitonal Wi-Fi radio for less than $12.50. The Broadcom & Marvell chips require a lot of other parts, and design expertise, to make a Wi-Fi radio. Not to mention the certification costs.

You may want to look at the GainSpan GS1011Soc http://www.gainspan.com/gs1011soc1. Unlike the Microchip part that requires an external uP, this module has a on-board CPU that can run your application code. It has SPI, UART, I2C, PWM and ADC I/O. Single quantity price is $20 - the 5K pricing should be cheaper than the Microchip solution.

I am also looking for cheaper WiFi options.

From experience I can tell you Broadcom is not interested in a 5K volume customer, it’s not worth their while to support you. Even at 100K they probably won’t talk to you, let alone believe you.

Hi Fredrick,

If you need a WiFi solution for PIC32 you can visit this link.

https://www.google.co.in/#hl=en&tbo=d&s … 70&bih=647


For low cost Check this : WHZ4188