Lpc-l2294 debugging problem

Hi all,

I am using olimex lpc2294 board. i got an error message when i am downloading

Write failed at memory (0x00010000)

Write failed at memory (0x00010200)

Write failed at memory (0x00010210)

please any one help me to rectify this problem.

Thanks in advance,


What are you downloading?


Hai leon,

Thanks for your response…

i am downloading port toggling program only…why it shows the warning…



Was the program compiled for the LPC2294? It might have been built for a chip with a different memory map. However, that is unlikely to be the problem.

What are you using for downloading?


hai Leon,

Thanks for the reply.program was compiled&build and shows no error.I am using IAR Embedded Workbench 5.0 only…I am downloading via parallel port using JTAG debugging…



hi all ,

when i am downloading, initially it shows some warning like this …Target inconsistency detected at memory address …please give me solution for this.

Thanks N regards,


The only thing I can think of is that the progrqm was compiled for the wrong target. I don’t use IAR software, try asking them about it.
