After a lengthy haitus where I mostly played with ST parts, I’m working with an LPC1768. And I’m really struggling with the bootloader when re-flashing.
bargain(?) (sub-)basement [dev board
20 pin JTAG (not SWD), tRST and sRST separate
openOCD 0.6.1
telnet interface
host is i686, Linux 3.8.5 (don’t think this is important…)
After hours of experimentation, I’ve temporarily adopted the following flash sequence:
reset_config trst_and_srst (configure reset to drive both tRST and sRST)
[flash vector table is now at address 0]
erase** appropriate sectors
reset halt
[ROM vector table is now at address 0]
flash write_image unlock path-to-hex 0 ihex (flash image)
I’m curious whether anyone has a less cumbersome procedure, especially with openOCD. Maybe this should be in the openOCD forum, but I thought some of the Crossworks or IAR users might have insight on the LPC1768 flashing process. I don’t try to provide any log files this point because my efforts so far have been too random to be useful. I don’t-know-anything-about / didn’t-check how openOCD actually implements a command such as flash write_image erase unlock.
**various / repeated attempts to erase and write prior to the first reset will erase, but not write the new code (I did manage to write garbage in sector 0 by playing with the MEMMAP register @ 0x400fc040).](JTAG USB OCD Programmer/Debugger for ARM processors - PGM-07834 - SparkFun Electronics)](LPC1768-Mini-DK2 Development board + 2.8 TFT LCD [LPC1768-Mini-DK2] - US $36.00 : HAOYU Electronics : Make Engineers Job Easier)