lpc2378stk... 1st step

I`m a newbie in ARM development. Recently, I have bought an ARM based microcontroller Olimex LPC2378stk.

I have downloaded the eclipse and openocd software. my problem start here. How can I do LED

blinking using the lpc2378 board? How to use eclipse and other related software? this project really important

, somebody help me please… I`m beggin… (pardon my english).

I recommend that you set aside Eclipse/GCC for now.

Download and use the free starter version of IAR. Or Keil. On windows.

Lots of ready to use examples.

Consider buying a JTAG instead of using the serial bootloader. Optional.

And browse in the LPC2000 forums on Yahoo.

thanks 4 the reply,

I will try ur suggestion…

For ur information, i already have an arm-jtag debugger with me…

can this product work with my lpc2378 stk?

and do i need to buy anything else to make the project work?

I`m a bit lost with this Arm-JTAG debugger…