LSM9DS1 low pass filters are not working properly

Hello everyone,

for my LSM9DS1 9DOF board. I am trying to use the associated low pass filters for the gyroscope and the accelerometer and maybe I am doing a wrong configuration !

It is not clear for me how to do that specifically for the accelerometer. In page 45 of the Manual ( 7.12 CTRL_REG1_G) it is stated the frequencies and cut off frequencies for LPF1 and LPF2 when both gyro and accel are activated , However the block diagram is only for gyroscope or should I assume the same block diagram for the accelerometer ? (Figure 28)

Also if I only wat to use LPF1 and LPF2 and ignore HPF , Am I Supposed to edit only CTRL_REG2_G (page 47) OUT_SEL[1-0] = 10 ?

Again is this only specific for the gyroscope , or is it sufficient for both gyroscope and accelerometer ?

My main problem is that I assumed it is not enough and I also edited the accelerometer control registers and then I started getting faulty raw data.

To be more specific , I edited CTRL_REG7_XL (page 52) to operate in HR mode and the FDS to be 1 … However , I started getting wrong values for the accelerometer.

You have done great job for the Manual but this point is not so clear !

Thank you,


Greetings. Thanks for writing in.

I regret to say that this issue seems a bit beyond our support capabilities and that you might have better luck contacting ST’s support. Consider posting on their forums here:

I hope this helps.