We are using the LumiDrive in a low powered field instrument to control a 2 inch LuMini ring. When we power-up the LumiDrive via a MOSFET switching circuit (to enable low power - signal sent via a RPi), sometimes it lights the Lumni ring and at other times, it does not (but the board is powered). The LumiDrive is powered by 3.7V (three D-cells in series).
Hitting the reset switch fixes this when the LEDs fail to light-up. I have tried adding a supervisor.reload() to the boot.py, but this does not resolve the problem. I have also tried microcontroller.reset() in the boot.py, but cannot workout how to then get it to load the main.py. Any advice is gratefully received.
import supervisor
import microcontroller
import time
# LED control board with switching.
# See https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_LumiDrive_Example_Code
# Switch uses RPi GPIO signal.
import adafruit_dotstar # The LED library
import math
import time
import board
import digitalio
# Set up light parameters.
num_pixels = 40 # 3" ring has 60, 2" ring has 40, the 1" ring has 20
brightness = 0.1 # 10 % brightness. Avoid running close to 100 % to avoid LED damage
# This creates the instance of the DoTStar library.
pixels = adafruit_dotstar.DotStar(board.SCK, board.MOSI,
num_pixels, brightness=brightness, auto_write=False)
# Define light colours in RGB
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
# This function takes a color and a delay and fills the entire strand with that color.
# The delay is given in the case you use multiple color fills in a row.
def color_fill(color, wait):
# Continuous loop monitoring pin9 and illuminating LED when HIGH.