M6e Nano (SRTR), not getting connection to arduino

Hi All,

Would appreciate some help on an issue I’m having.

I have been using my SRTR using the universal reader assistant software and it’s working fine. I wish to now run it off my arduino uno wifi rev 2.

I soldered the pins onto the SRTR board as described and mounted it onto the arduino. When I load up any of the example programs and run them I get a “Module failed to respond. Please check wiring.” error.

Now I’ve checked the solder as best I can it looks fine. Is there anything else I should be checking? There are some firmware upgrades listed on the Jadak website but I wanted to check here first. Should I go with the firmware upgrade for the M6e nano? Running Firmware Version : right now.

Apologies if this has been asked before I did a search and did not see anything.



I should also add that the power indicator on the SRTR is lighting up when connected to the arduino so it is getting power, and I have the UART switch set to SW-UART as directed (tried it the HW-UART way too just be sure :roll: ).



using the standard unmodified example1, it will connect with SoftwareSerial to pin 2 and 3 (switch must be in softserial). Check that the board is not touching the USB adopter or anything else. Else share pictures. Your firmware is older (the latest I have seen is xxx19, but that is not causing the issue.

That’s solved it, thank you very much.

The header pins on the FTDI breakout board I was using to communicate over USB were contacting the the outside of the USB port on the arduino. A bit of electrical tape solved the problem.

Attached a picture here in case it helps anyone else.