M6E Nano: Timeout while connecting

Hi guys,

I have the M6E Nano reader, which works like a charm using your Arduino library. However, I need to write a specific tag, which is currently not supported in the library (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Si … Reader.cpp, line 363).

Hence, I tried to interact with the M6E Nano using the python-mercuryapi (https://github.com/gotthardp/python-mercuryapi) and the Mercury API (https://www.jadaktech.com/products/thin … rcury-api/#). My computer runs Ubuntu 18.04 and I am member of the dialout group.

The M6E Nano is interfaced using a CH340T USB to UART connector, RX, TX and GND being hooked up. Having read about the power supply issues, I tried both powering the M6E with a fully charged 3.7V 2000 mAh rechargeable battery as well as using the +5V supply from the Arduino (which, as stated above, is sufficient to power the M6E Nano using the Arduino library).

I get the following using Python:

$ python3
>>> import mercury
>>> reader = mercury.Reader("tmr:///dev/ttyUSB3")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Timeout

The same with the C API:

$ ./demo tmr:///dev/ttyUSB3
Error connecting reader: Timeout

I attached a logic analyzer to the UART pins and observed, that using both Python and C, a well-formed packed (FF 00 03 1D 0C) is sent to the M6E Nano, however, in the response I see frame errors.


This leads me to conclude that there must be some hookup or hardware problem. Googling the problem, people only seem to receive timeouts trying to read while not providing sufficient power.

Does anyone have an idea, what is wrong with my setup? Did anyone update the Arduino library to support targeted read and write?

Thank you!


I have been using the NANO 6E in the same setup as you successfully. (Ubuntu 18, CH340, mercury API and demo etc. ). I assume you use the FTDI/serial header on the Nano and have set the board switch to HW-UART. I remember that I had quit some issue with the right CH340 driver. Let me check for my latest and come back to you

Maybe it requires Python 2?

HI guys,

thanks for your replies:

indigoer, I never tried using Python2. However, since the C-Demo showed the same timeout, I assume that the issue is closer to hardware.

paulvha, I attached the FTDI to the HW-UART, SW-UART (setting the switch in the correct position) and the FTDI header pins. None did work. Indeed, I feel that the problem is related to the FTDI driver at my Ubuntu, however, I never experienced similar problems before. I got my hands on a FT2232 UART to USB converter, maybe this will do the trick.

Meanwhile I found a setup which works for me by connecting the FTDI header pins of the M6E Nano directly to the UART pins of a Raspberry Pi. I wrote a detailed guide on that at my personal blog, I can provide the link via private message if anyone is interested.

Thank you for your help!


Hello ttinkering (Martin), Could you please share your blog regarding the connection of Rasp pi and Simultaneous RFID reader (M6e nano)?

Thank you all for the helpful posts.