Magnetic rotary encoders.

Hey Sparkfun! (first post, woohoo!)

I am embarking on a micro-mouse robotics project, and have been doing a bit of research into encoders to measure distance.

I have noticed a fair bit of interest in AustriaMicrosystems’ magnetic encoders for this purpose, see here: … ers/AS5040

They do offer samples at the above site, but in a limited number, and it requires proto-ing up a breakout/PCB. Plus you cant purchase them in small quantities.

I was thinking it would be really cool if you guys could do a breakout board using this chip or something similar, that also comes with a suitable magnet, eg: … 000-MD6H-2

This would be really handy for all sorts of robotics projects, as well as all sorts of other cool things (low friction potentiometers, brushless motor commutation etc) check out the links for details.

Just a thought I wanted to share.

You can order these parts direct from them in whatever quantity you feel like.