make a corded phone cordless?


Is there any way to make a corded phone cordless?

I’m trying to make a particular corded retro phone cordless - basically like a wireless phone.


It really depends on what type of corded phone it is. Do you just need wireless audio, or do you need added functionalities like buttons for dialling.

One of the easier ways would be to find an existing cordless phone and just hack the insides of that into your corded phone.

thanks so much for your reply

i’m actually trying to find a cordless vintage payphone, but i can’t find one.

so i was wondering if i could convert it from corded to cordless

for example this phone: … phone.html

i just want the handset to be cordless, so it wouldn’t need buttons for dialling.

if i just replace the retro corded phone with the insides of a cordless phone, does this mean i need to find an analog cordless phone?