Making JST cables- or similar. Cheap alternatives?


First post and I hope allowed given that it treads on a Sparkfun product.

Quite a few of the widgets here use JST headers - I’m asking the question because I just picked up an El Escudo which has 10 on it and the PIR sensor with one.

Perversely, I don’t mind making cables - over the years I’ve made more Cat5 and 10Base2 than I care to remember so screw my face up at the thought.

So, I head off to look at JST bits. The pins and housing are cheap, but the crimp tool - oh my, 245 UKP (about $400). I’d need to make a lot of cables for that. I may pay that - grudgingly (and without telling the wife), but before consider that even remotely seriously, is there a cheap way of doing this? A clone crimp tool perhaps, or something similar (that might not be useful for the El Escudo but for other interconnect requirements down the line) that folks have come across?

All suggestions appreciated.


Take a look at the deluxe crimper at Quality of this tool is well above the $40 price.


Great stuff. I’ll check it out. Thanks.

Given the observations, why the choice of JST connectors for the Escudo? Is there some technical reason why they are more suitable than others?

BTW, the regarding the crimper that Stratosfear recommended - I can’t as yet comment on its suitability for the PH type connectors from JST, but it’s certainly a well made tool.

I’ll order some PH housings and whatnot and try it out, so report to follow.

As to why? Maybe someone will answer, but screw terminals would have been much cheaper.