MAX30101 & MAX32664 question about adresses

Hi i would like to know why the slave adress for write/read byte i2c functions is set to 0x55. From datasheet i could find only the info about different slave adress for write(0xAA) and read transaction (0xAB).

Thanks, marco

i2c has a 7-bit address and the low bit is added on to specify read or write. Some devices specify just the address field (0x55 = 0b1010101) while others specify the whole byte for the write address (0xAA = 0b10101010 which is (0x55 << 1) and some micros do the same thing for their i2c registers or drivers.

It’s either a matter of reading both the data sheets for the device and processor, or trying both to see which will work.
