

I am trying to Use the Max 30105 for an engineering project where we are using the red Led and photon detector to locate veins. I am trying to disable the infrared and Green light to decrease the lag time from the led. My first step was to try and modify the Max30105.h file by commenting out the setpulseamplitude lines for the IR and Green led. However, I am having troubles compiling anytime I comment out any of the sections.

What is the best way to modify the code so the red LED is always HIGH?

Any help would be appreciated.



Hi Tom,

[This function in the Arduino library lets you choose which LEDs you want to use for sampling. Page 19 of the [datasheet will have more information on choosing which LED to use.](](SparkFun_MAX3010x_Sensor_Library/src/MAX30105.cpp at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_MAX3010x_Sensor_Library · GitHub)